Official name of Competition |
- Design Competition for Gwanggyo Central Plaza
Hosting Organization |
- Gyeonggi Housing & Urban Development Corporation
Competition Method |
- International design competition
Site location |
- Iui-dong, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (15 parcel of the Gwanggyo Housing Site Development District)
Lot Area |
Scale of Project |
- Gross Floor Area : 12,655㎡ (within ±3%)
- Road (pedestrian road [overpass]): B = 4.5m / L = 120m
- Road (underground road [underground public pedestrian pathway]): A = 2,005㎡ (within ±3%)
Main use |
- Above grade : Public open space, roads (pedestrian paths [overpasses])
- Below grade : cultural facilities, roads (underground road [underground public pedestrian pathway])
- Buildings : Cultural and Assembly Facilities, Sports Facilities, Class 1 Neighborhood Living Facilities per Korean local code
Eligibility |
Domestic and international architectural, landscape, and urban professionals can participate, and up to five people (individuals or corporations) can apply jointly.
Particiapants with foreign licensee may not participate solely, but may participate jointly with a Korean architect licensee as a representative.
When organizing a joint application, participants must organize to meet both ① and ② specified below.
① Those who hold an architect's license pursuant to Article 7 of the [Architects Act] as of the date of the announcement and have registered an architect's office pursuant to Article 23 of the same Act and do not have any disqualification under relevant laws and regulations
② A company that has registered for engineering business in the construction sector (road, airport, urban planning, structure, soil/geology, landscape) pursuant to Article 21 of the [Engineering Industry Promotion Act], or a company that has registered to open an engineering firm in the construction sector (road, airport, urban planning, landscape, civil engineering structure, soil, and foundation) pursuant to Article 6 of the Engineers Act, and does not have any disqualifying reasons under relevant laws.